High School Course Registration for the 2020-21 School Year | Gilchrist  County School District

Please use the grade level Course Registration form to register current 9-11 students for the 2025-2026 school year. The deadline for completing registration is April 4.

Students currently in grades 7 and 8 should complete the musis registration form. Their schedule has no room for electives.

Some hours do not have an option for choices due to the fact that these hours are filled with required classes.

Refer to the 2025-2026 Schedule link and the Comfrey Course Guide link on this page as you complete the form. If students have questions they can stop in the office for clarification. 

Changes may be made to the schedule after registrations are all submitted at which point we will meet with students to finalize schedules. Because next year's schedule will be based on this spring registration, registrations will be considered final after any April adjustments.

Please call the school if you have any questions.

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At Comfrey Public School, our mission is to develop the life skills needed for our students to be successful. We provide individual attention and involvement opportunities; emphasizing quality education, respect, integrity and accountability.
305 Ochre Street West, Comfrey, MN 56019
(507) 877-3491
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