Comfrey Wellness Summary
Reviewed January 2025


  1. School health fosters student attendance and learning.
  2. The school promotes student health and well-being by encouraging both healthy eating and physical activity.
  3. The public is encouraged to communicate with the district regarding wellness for students.


How the District Promotes Wellness

  • Students all receive instruction in nutrition in health as part of the science curriculum at multiple grade levels.
  • Activities are planned at least quarterly that focus on students participating in events emphasizing enjoyable physical activities.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in organized sports.
  • Physical education classes are required for all students in grades K-9 and are offered as electives for grades 10-12.
  • Students in grades K-4 have daily recess.
  • School meals follow nutritional guidelines set by federal, state, and local regulations.
  • Parents are informed about healthy snack guidelines.


Parent and Community Involvement


Parents are encouraged to support the school’s commitment to wellness by following healthy snack guidelines described in the student handbook.

Please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.


About Us
At Comfrey Public School, our mission is to develop the life skills needed for our students to be successful. We provide individual attention and involvement opportunities; emphasizing quality education, respect, integrity and accountability.
305 Ochre Street West, Comfrey, MN 56019
(507) 877-3491
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