Friday, February 7, 2025
Menu - BBQ Rib/Bun, Winter Blend

February 12 - School Board Meeting 7:00 room 105
February 17 - NO SCHOOL
February 19 - Midterm 3rd Quarter
February 25 - ASVAB Testing 10th grade
March 19 - School Board Meeting 7:00 room 105
March 20 - End of 3rd Quarter
March 21 - NO SCHOOL - Staff Only
March 25 - ACT Testing - 11th grade
March 29 - Taste of Jazz 6:00 Comfrey Community Center

GOOD LUCK to Dylan at the Regional Spelling Bee in Mankato February 18!

MCA Testing
March 3-7  Science 5, 10 
March 17-21  Science 8
March 31-April 4  Reading 3-8, 10
April 28-May 2  Math 3-8, 11; Science 10

Baseball Clothing Order Link:

2025 Graduation May 23, 7:00 p.m.
Senior Color: Kelly Green
Senior Flower:  White Rose
Motto:  "The best is yet to come" - Frank Sinatra

Please submit your digital Senior Photo & Baby Photo & "Most Likely To" Photo to the shared google drive folder link in Google Classroom.  DUE: March 28
(Mrs. Sellner can scan & return if needed)
Please give Mr. Hildebrandt or Mrs. Sellner an actual printed photo for framing:
Wallet size photos (2.5" x 3.5") for the framed senior composite.

Lions Student of the Quarter - applications available in the office

At the end of each quarter, seniors will be given the opportunity to apply for this honor.  At the end of the school year, one of the senior students elected as the student of the quarter will receive a $300 scholarship from the Comfrey Lions Club.

February 7 
Girls Basketball - Game vs. RRC @ Lamberton 6:00;
                             7/8 Practice
Boys Basketball - 7-12 Practice

February 10
Girls Basketball - 9-12 Game vs. Sleepy Eye at Mt. Lake 4:45;
                            7/8 Practice
Boys Basketball - 9-12 Game vs. Sleepy Eye at Mt. Lake 4:45; 
                             7/8 Practice

February 11
Girls Basketball - 9-12 Game @ Nicollet 5:45;
                            7/8 Game vs. HLOF at Mt. Lake 4:00
Boys Basketball - 9-12 Game vs. RTR at Mt. Lake 5:15;
                             7/8 Game vs. RTR @ Tyler 4:45

February 12
Girls Basketball - 7-12 Practice Mt. Lake
Boys Basketball - 9-12 Practice Comfrey; 7/8 Practice Mt. Lake

February 13 
Girls Basketball - 9-12 Game vs. MCC at Mt. Lake 6:00;
                            7/8 Practice
Boys Basketball - 7-12 Practice

February 14
Girls Basketball - 7-12 Practice
Boys Basketball - 9-12 Game vs. RRC @ Lamberton 6:00, picked up
                             7/8 Practice

February 15
Girls Basketball - 7/8 Conference Tournament
Boys Basketball - 7/8 Conference Tournament


About Us
At Comfrey Public School, our mission is to develop the life skills needed for our students to be successful. We provide individual attention and involvement opportunities; emphasizing quality education, respect, integrity and accountability.
305 Ochre Street West, Comfrey, MN 56019
(507) 877-3491
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